How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster and Longer Naturally without Products

It is every body dream to have beautiful and healthy hair that will grow fast whenever they command. The need for fast hair grow is normally due to some undesirable circumstances that we may experience at some point in our life. Few good examples would be bad hair cuts, having hair loss problems or simply to have the hottest hairstyle right now. As much as we want to have our hair grow faster, some may only feel comfortable to apply methods that are all natural.

how to make your hair grow faster
So how can I make my hair grow faster and longer in the most natural ways without using  any hair growth products, you may ask?

There are actually lot of methods that we can all try at home that do not require any use of a product. In the next few paragraphs, we will cover some simple techniques which with the help of natural ingredients, will get your lovely lock of hair grow faster and longer.

Hair Growth Tips

There is no hard  facts that shown how fast our hair will grow when applying certain hair growing techniques, as each individual react differently. However, by follow the safe techniques below, it would at least help you to gain some speed.

Balance Diet
Having a nutritious diet is the most important part of our normal daily routine that contribute to a healthy body. Our body need all the necessary vitamins and minerals to keep the functionality of our body healthy. And in order to have your hair grow fast, a diet that consist of foods that are high in proteins are highly recommended.

Keep Hair Clean and Hygiene
Having your hair clean will lead to healthy hair that enjoy consistent grow rate and at the same time avoid breakage and hair loss. The first step is to choose the right shampoo for your hair type that remove any excess grease or build-up. Always use shampoo that contain natural oil like coconut or olive to keep the moisture lock in after each wash. And remember to finish it off with a good conditioner if your hair texture belong to the dry side.

Massage Your Scalp
coconut oil for hair
Coconut oil for hair
Our hair rely on the nutrients to fuel it growing process at the scalp, and they are primary transported through the blood stream in our body. So having a good blood circulation, especially at the scalp area will greatly affect our hair growth. Providing a gentle massage on the scalp, not only relax the body but also increase the blood circulation around the scalp to promote faster hair grow. Using natural oils that are good for the hair is recommended during the massage. It will be absorb by the roots easily and enhance the growing process. Olive oil and coconut oil would be a good selection in this technique.

These are just some of the techniques that can help provide faster hair grow, just ensure that you apply them regular and long enough to see any result. However, if you are interested to learn more ways to make your hair grow faster, please click the following link: Make Hair Grow Faster.